速報APP / 懷孕與育兒 / Sound Sleeper - White Noise

Sound Sleeper - White Noise





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:Jerusalem, Israel

Sound Sleeper - White Noise(圖1)-速報App

Get to sleep quickly and sleep well through the night.


- white noise sounds including fan, vacuum cleaner, rain, womb, and more…

Sound Sleeper - White Noise(圖2)-速報App

- sound self-activates at first cry – you might not even have to get out of bed to soothe your baby!

- record your own lullabies

- sleep tracking (learn your baby's sleep pattern to help her sleep through the night)

Sound Sleeper - White Noise(圖3)-速報App

Sound Sleeper is a three-in-one sleep solution for you and your baby that will accompany you from birth to the toddler years. Use Sound Sleeper to put your baby to sleep in minutes with Play Mode, help her stay asleep with Listen Mode, and enable her to develop healthy sleep habits with Sleep Tracking Mode.

Sound Sleeper is also great for kids who share rooms; use the soothing sounds to keep baby asleep while you get your toddler ready for bed.

We are young parents who developed Sound Sleeper to help us stay sane when our first child was born in 2011, and are still using it for our family!

Sound Sleeper - White Noise(圖4)-速報App

We invite you to download Sound Sleeper for free, and treat the whole family to a good night’s sleep! 

Sound Sleeper - White Noise(圖5)-速報App